2024 Early Voting Poll Observers

Early Voting for the March 5 Primary Election begins Thursday, February 15, and ends Saturday, March 2.

Help protect the vote during the early voting period by being a poll observer!

Poll Observers work 4–5-hour shifts. They are the eyes and ears on the ground during early voting to ensure that voting processes are working smoothly at the election sites and to report issues such as long lines, non-functioning voting machines, access problems for people with disabilities, and voter intimidation.

Covering multiple shifts is permitted and encouraged.

Poll Observers are required to complete the 2024 North Carolina Poll Observing Training in order to do poll observing. The training is available here: https://www.orangedems.com/training/poll-observer-training/

Carrboro Town Hall

301 W Main St.

Carrboro, NC

Efland-Cheeks Community Center

117 Richmond Rd.

Efland, NC

Chapel Hill Public Library

100 Library Dr.

Chapel Hill, NC

Orange Works

113 Mayo St.

Hillsborough, NC

Chapel of the Cross

304 E. Franklin St.

Chapel Hill, NC

Seymour Center

2551 Homestead St.

Chapel Hill, NC