Precincts and Officers

Precincts are the building blocks of our Democratic Party.
Your neighborhood-based precinct team does the grassroots work
of connecting neighbors to information and action.

Contact your precinct chair to connect with your home Democratic community.

To find your precinct, use the map link below or look up your voter registration information.

Caldwell (CW)

Co-Chair: Keith Glidewell
Co-Chair: Vicki Hill
Co-Chair: Kate Millard
Co-Chair: Timothy Saintsing
Co-Chair: Tim Struttman
Co-Chair: Julia Trimmer

Carr (CA)

Chair: TBD
Vice Chair: TBD
Secretary/Treasurer: TBD

Carrboro (CB)

Chair: Charles Sune
Vice Chair: David Tillery
Secretary/Treasurer: Lucy Gorham

Cedar Falls (CF)

Chair: Elaine Maisner
Chair: Lisa Kaylie
Vice Chair: Patty Courtright
Secretary/Treasurer: Jennifer McMillian

Cedar Grove (CG)

Chair: Pamela Schwingl
Vice Chair: Lisa Murad
Secretary/Treasurer: Kaitlyn Vogt

Cheeks (CX)

Chair: Ken Woods
Co-Vice Chair: Leo Allison
Co-Vice Chair: Deniese Chaney
Secretary/Treasurer: John Fischer

Coker Hills (CH)

Chair: Jeff Jacobson
Vice Chair: TBA
Secretary/Treasurer: Brian Hare

Coles Store (CS1)

Chair: Lynn McGee
Vice Chair: Marcia Kessinger
Secretary/Treasurer: Lynn Nilssen

Colonial Heights (CO)

Chair: Sarah O’Brien
Vice Chair: Christian Dejesus
Secretary/Treasurer: Alex De Saint Phalle

Damascus (DM)

Chair: Peg Burchinal
Vice Chair: Olivia Ludington
Secretary/Treasurer: Keith Cartwright

Dogwood Acres (DA)

Chair: Carole Labrum
Vice Chair: Sarah Turner
Secretary/Treasurer: TBD

East Franklin (EF)

Chair: Mike O’Shea
Vice Chair:  Jonah Garson
Secretary/Treasurer: Melissa McCullough

Eastside (ES)

Chair: Kevin Agabright
Vice Chair: Peggy Duhamel
Secretary/Treasurer: Kate Hanson

Efland (EF)

Chair: Charles Burnham
Vice Chair: Lamar Proctor
Secretary/Treasurer: Daphne Quinn

Eno (E)

Chair: Hart Edmonds
Vice Chair: Diana Robinson
Secretary/Treasurer: Thomas Link

Estes Hills (EH)

Co-Chair: Mohan Chilukuri
Co-Chair: Joan Holland
Co-Chair: Buffee Webber
Co-Vice Chair: Hunter Levinsohn
Co-Vice Chair: Sandra Farmer Jova
Secretary/Treasurer: Janet Zelman

Glenwood (GL)

Chair: Sarah Brody
Vice Chair: David Brown
Vice Chair: Angela Kirby
Secretary/Treasurer: Cassie Rice

Grady Brown (GB)

Chair: Steed Robinson
Vice Chair: Susan Seigel
Secretary/Treasurer: Katrina Wesson

Hillsborough (H)

Chair: Kate Faherty
Vice Chair: Rachel Royce
Secretary/Treasurer: TBD

Hillsborough East (HE)

Chair: Millie Hunter
Vice Chair: Laura Quinn
Secretary/Treasurer: TBD

Hillsborough North (HN)

Chair: Nina Daye
Vice Chair: Annette Moore
Vice Chair: Phyllis Portie-Ascott
Secretary/Treasurer: Janie Morris

Hogan Farms (HF)

Chair: Anne Wander
Vice Chair: Anne West
Secretary/Treasurer: Rocco Cocco

Kings Mill (KM)

Chair: Bonnie Bevan
Vice Chair: Karen Macklin
Secretary/Treasurer: David Parker
Secretary/Treasurer: Doug Longman

North Carrboro (NC)

Chair: Diane Robertson
Vice Chair: Linda Cohen
Secretary/Treasurer: Carolyn White

Northside (NS)

Chair: TBD
Vice Chair:  TBD
Secretary/Treasurer: TBD

Orange Grove (OG)

Co-Chair: William Branch
Co-Chair: Heiderose Kober
Secretary/Treasurer: Margaret Sloane


Chair: TBD
Vice Chair: TBD
Secretary/Treasurer: TBD

Patterson (PA)

Chair: Gloria Meares
Vice Chair: Carol Kelly
Vice Chair: Holly McKinney
Vice Chair: Kristin McNealy
Vice Chair: Georganne Sebastian
Vice Chair: Judith Snyderman
Vice Chair: Stephanie Vandergrift
Secretary/Treasurer: Ray Greenfield

Ridgefield (RF)

Co-Chair: Grace Kirchgessner
Vice Chair: Ruth Proctor
Secretary/Treasurer: Laura Baxley

Rogers-Eubanks (RE)

Co-Chair: Michael Fath
Vice Chair: Caryn Zoffer
Secretary/Treasurer: Jon Engel

St. John (SJ)

Chair: Gracie Kirchgessner
Co-Chair: Shereese Alston
Vice Chair: Marya Iligen-Leith
Secretary/Treasurer: Perry Smith

St. Marys (SM)

Chair: Sharon Brown
Vice Chair: John Ferguson
Secretary/Treasurer: Jean Ricca

Tolars (TO)

Chair: Victoria Frisch
Vice Chair: Alton Tyre
Secretary/Treasurer: TBD

Town Hall

Chair: Jim Porto
Vice Chair: Christy Ihlo
Vice Chair: Bree Kalb
Secretary/Treasurer: TBD


Chair: Nathaniel Shue
Vice Chair: Sloan Duvall
Secretary/Treasurer: Deniz Erda

Weaver Dairy (WD)

Chair: Mary Olney
Vice Chair: Gabriel Everhart
Secretary/Treasurer: TBD

Weaver Dairy Satellite (WDS)

Chair: Kathy Murray
Vice Chair: Marla Dunham
Vice Chair: Arthur Finn
Secretary/Treasurer: Helen Stein

West Hillsborough (WH)

Co-Chair: Tina Hopkins
Co-Chair: Dorothy Shanklin
Vice Chair: Jenn Sykes
Secretary/Treasurer: Brenda Brown

Westwood (WW)

Chair: Martin Feinstein
Vice Chair: George Jackson
Secretary/Treasurer: Susan Burns

White Cross (WC)

Chair: Jonathan Williams
Vice Chair: TBD
Secretary/Treasurer: TBD