The Orange County Democratic Party
of North Carolina

We work to elect leaders who will provide: an economy that works for all, quality public education, reproductive rights for all, affordable health care for all, the right to vote in fair elections, civil rights of all, and strong communities across our wonderful state where everyone has access to clean air and water.

Please click here to see a list of our values.

North Carolina Supreme Court Race

Justice Allison Riggs won the race for N.C Supreme Court by 734 votes after two recounts. However, her GOP opponent Jefferson Griffin has refused to concede and is trying to throw out more than 60,000 ballots cast in November’s Supreme Court election.

On Friday February 7, the Wake County Superior Court upheld the N.C. Board of Elections’ rejection of Griffin’s protest. However, Griffin quickly appealed the decision to the N.C. Court of Appeals. Due to a recent N.C. Supreme Court ruling, neither candidate may be declared the winner until all legal appeals are finished.

As Griffin’s challenges continue to be fought in the courts three months after the election, Justice Riggs has stated: “Voters decide elections, and I remain committed to seeing this fight through and upholding North Carolinians’ constitutional freedoms.”

Please support Justice Rigg’s and donate to the legal fight.

Join the Opposition to Griffin’s Challenge on Monday February 17!

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Join the opposition against Griffin’s challenge to disenfranchise lawful North Carolina voters and overturn the election. Raise your voice at a rally in Hillsborough on Monday February 17 at 4pm. Click here to RSVP.

Check the List of Challenged Voters

Check the list to see if you or someone you know is on the list:
List of 60,000 North Carolina voters
List of 1500 Orange County Voters

If you are on the list, please click here to see actions you can take.

Save the Dates for Upcoming Meetings!

All-Precincts Meeting

The annual All-Precinct Meetings will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2025. During the meeting, each precinct will elect precinct officers for a two-year term and delegates to the annual Orange County Democratic Party County Convention. There will be two meetings: one in the southern region and one in the northern region of Orange County.

Annual Convention

The Orange County Democratic Party will hold its annual Convention on Saturday, April 26, 2025 at the Whitted Building, 300 W. Tyron Street, Hillsborough from 10 to 2pm. During the Convention, county officers will be elected for a two-year term and resolutions will be adopted for submission to Congressional District 4. Sign up for the Convention here.