Party Resources

The plans of organization dictate the procedures and functions of the
North Carolina Democratic Party and the Orange County Democratic Party.

“We, the members of the North Carolina Democratic Party, in order to make more effective the principles of our Party, to embrace and serve all peoples of our Party without regard to race, age, gender, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, or disability (hereinafter referred to as “status”), to ensure the blessings of liberty and equal opportunity, and to work together for the welfare and happiness of all citizens, do hereby adopt and establish this Plan of Organization.”

— Preamble to the NCDP Plan of Organization

The N.C. Democratic Party’s Plan of Organization is the overarching document that guides the operations of the state’s county Democratic parties.

Our OCDP Alternative Plan of Organization lists only the sections of the NCDP plan as modified for Orange County. It reinforces our objectives for more balanced representation, equity, and opportunity.