Orange County Officers

Party Leaders

Cassie Rice
Cassie RiceChair
Michael Fath
Michael FathFirst Vice Chair
Linda Cohen
Linda CohenSecond Vice Chair
David LaBarre
David LaBarreThird Vice Chair
Shereese Alston
Shereese AlstonFourth Vice Chair
Wendy Padilla
Wendy PadillaSecretary
Kirsten Stacey-Bothwell
Kirsten Stacey-BothwellTreasurer
David Parker
David ParkerCounty Party Attorney
Lynn McGee
Lynn McGeeAdministrator, Google Workspace
Elizabeth Welsby
Elizabeth WelsbyVoter Registration Chair
Nina Morley Daye
Nina Morley DayeNeighbor-to-Neighbor Rural Organizing Chair
Laura Baxley
Laura BaxleyChair, County-to-County Campaign

State Executive Committee Members

Marilyn Carter

Deniese Chaney, ex-officio (Treasurer, NCDP)

John Ferguson

Barbara Foushee

Valerie Foushee, ex-officio (U.S. Rep, CD-4)

Jonah Garson, ex-officio (First Vice Chair, NCDP)

Matt Hughes, ex-officio (DNC member)

Lynn McGee

Theodore Nollert

Sarah O’Brien

David Parker

Phyllis Portie-Ascott

Eliazar Posada

Lamar Proctor

Cassie Rice, ex-officio (OCDP chair)

Diane Robertson, ex-officio (DNC member)

Diana Robinson, ex-officio (chair, CD-4)

Legislative and Judicial Executive Committee Members

State Senatorial Executive Committee
District 23

Bonnie Bevan, Kings Mill
Ken Woods, Cheeks

State House of Representatives District Executive Committee
District 50

Vicki Hill, Caldwell
Anita Thompson, Cedar Grove

State House of Representatives District Executive Committee
District 56

Composed of members of the County Executive Committee residing in District 56

Judicial District 15B Executive Committee

Allen Buansi, Coker Hills
Karen Macklin, Kings Mill